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Welcome, friend!

Let's get curious!

  • Is alcohol taking more from you than it’s giving?

  • Is it your reward at the end of a hard day?

  • Is it affecting relationships with the people closest to you…spouses, kids, family, friends, co-workers?

  • Have you tried to cut back and can’t seem to get past wine o’clock?

  • Do you know something needs to change, but cringe at the thought of stopping for good?

  • Are you able to cut back, but always feel deprived and miserable when you do?

What if I told you that the reason you are still stuck actually ISN'T YOUR FAULT at all?

Change doesn't have to be scary, though it can certainly feel that way. It can simply be a pivot in our thoughts and beliefs that are holding us back from being where we desire to be.. As your Coach, you and I will dive into change through AWARENESS & CURIOSITY, meeting you where you are in your journey and formulating a path to get your to where you want to be.

“True change comes from within;

leave the outside as it is.”



In our coaching sessions, I connected with Lauren right away. I felt safe opening up to her about my alcohol use and, as a fellow busy working mom, I felt effortlessly understood by her. I continue to look forward to our sessions as they are always productive and useful!

Lo is an excellent coach who has helped me move forward in a number of keys areas in my life. She is sensitive, experienced, professional, high relatable, kind-hearted and non-judgmental. I enjoyed every minute of the coaching process which felt friendly, relaxing and effortless. Lo enabled me to identify my blocks, bring awareness to old patterns of behavior, and set about creating new ones. She had excellent methods and tactics at hand to help me step by step with the areas we were working on. She has genuinely helped me to make positive changes, and I would absolutely recommend her services.



This is a 1 hour compassion lead call where you and I will meet and get to know each other a little better. Together we'll determine where you stand with your relationship with alcohol and where you want to get to.

No pressure. No judgement.

No blame. No shame.


My 1:1 coaching program is designed specifically for someone who is ready to prioritise themselves and their commitment to alcohol-free living. This program will take you on a beautiful journey of self-discovery with my full support and guidance every step of the way.

With my 12 week program, you'll have everything you need to change your relationship with alcohol by making it small and irrelevant in your life!



There's something wonderful about connecting with others, knowing you aren't alone, and cheering each other on.

Join my email list to receive my newsletter to stay in the know and learn more about this program once launched!



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